Reader Feedback and Reviews of The Anger Volcano

ADDitude Book Review

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Kids with ADHD are no strangers to over-the-top emotions — particularly anger. If your child struggles to rein in his feelings of frustration or aggression, The Anger Volcano by Amanda Greenslade offers easy exercises and calming coloring to help your child feel better — and keep a cool head when he’s ready to blow.

A Book About Anger for Kids

Tigerace Books; $6.99 paperback, $2.99 Kindle

"A cross between a children’s book and a coloring book, The Anger Volcano describes thoughts and feelings during an episode of anger, and leads the young reader in exercises to redirect her thoughts to something else — to count backward from 10 or to subtract eight hours from the current time. The book encourages kids to talk it out. At the end, author Amanda Greenslade tells her readers that it’s OK to be angry, but it’s not OK to explode like a volcano.

"Kids with ADHD are no strangers to anger and big emotions, especially in the younger years, before they’ve acquired emotional awarenessand control. The Anger Volcano is a great tool to use with your child to talk about emotions and work on constructive skills to better regulate them. The format offers an additional exercise known to bring calm — coloring. Practice the exercises when your child is calm, and he’ll be ready to use them when his anger volcano threatens to erupt again."—Penny Williams

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Learning self control, and anger management as a child can be really hard, and this book does a great job at explaining what to do when you feel the anger bubbling up. Aside from giving reading management exercises, this book also teaches breathing techniques and counting backwards. I feel like this book could be very helpful to young children, and would certainly recommend that most classrooms have a copy."—Cassandra Wojick

"It is a wonderful little book that give an easy way to teach children about anger management. The rhymes are pitched to children's level and very appropriate to age 6 to 10 years old. Giving children models to refer to is a wonderful way to teach them to manage their feeling. The volcano is a wonderful model to relate to. The repetition is a good way to instil the strategies. Great little book.

I think the fact the pictures are in black and white ... can be presented as a colouring book (to manage anger as well – colouring in is a good way to manage anger). I enjoyed reading the book. Loved the rhymes and tips."—Ronit Baras, B.Ed special Education, NLP Practitioner

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"This is a brilliant calm down book, for kids who have problems managing their anger. It has illustrations that can be colored to help the child to be be distracted and remain in control . There are also some calming techniques, that can be used, if a situation arises, where they feel like they are about to erupt!"—Ruksana Khalid

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"I requested this book via Netgalley, as I’ve started reading books to my grandson before bedtime. He particularly enjoys books which we can relate to and The Anger Volcano is no exception. With simple illustrations that convey the words of the poetic writing, my grandson related to the story of the angry volcano and what to do when his anger bubbled to the surface. An easy read that showed my grandson that he’s not alone and that there’s things he can do to control his anger."—Steven McDonald

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"This book works. It rhymes well, is easy to understand, and I think kids will get the lesson its teaching. ... Overall I like the story."—Ryan A. Franklin

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"As a parent of three kids under 5, my house can get a bit emotional at time[s]. All kids will erupt. The question is how can you as a parent help understand, diffuse, and learn from the experience. This book helps connect emotions, feelings, and resolution all together.

"This book's intent is to recognize the anger and helps parent resolve the situation. It rhymes well, both for the parent reading but is easy enough for the kids to guess the word. Visualizing anger as a volcano helps to connect their emotions with what they are feeling in their gut. There are practical advice from counting backwards, taking deep breathes, and trying to spell a long word that seeks to be part of your child's toolkit.

"Overall, worthy topic, excellent execution, that is easy for my kids to internalize."—Vince Huang

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Simple, three-line rhymes like these on each page, illustrated with some intricate black and white drawings, explain clearly what it feels like when your head’s about to explode because people or circumstances are driving you nuts!

We’ve all been there and felt like that, and some of us have never quite figured out how not to blow up and make matters worse.

After all, standing in a lava flow, as one of the pictures shows, isn’t very comfortable for the person who’s at the foot of the volcano!

I know one little boy who says “Angus” (from the movie “Inside Out”) is angry in his head when he’s getting cranky. He’s found a way to express how he’s feeling using some outside help.

While this seems very simple and basic, I bet there are plenty of kids who would benefit from comparing their frustration and impatience with a volcano about to erupt. And the pictures showing the top of a head with all kinds of conflicting arrows and Yes No spilling out is probably just what they feel like.

This may help them describe how they feel and it may give them a little something to settle those feelings down.

[This is another children’s book that should find its way into the hands of some of the adults who don’t seemed to have learned how to behave, too! But I digress.]

Thanks to NetGalley and Tigerace books for the preview copy from which I’ve quoted."—Pat McKelvey

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I absolutely adore this book! As did my 6 year old Daughter. The first time we read it as soon as I was finished reading she asked me to read it again. She said she loves out it makes her think and helped when she starts getting frustrated. She said she thinks about the book and smiles. Lol I highly recommend this book!"—Tarah Hodges-Wilkins

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"This was good! Great book to help children control their tempers. Lots of good ideas and all in rhyme! Even youngish kids could understand this one."—Hankins, C.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"I received a copy of this little book from net galley to review. It wasn't too long. I showed it to my son who indicated that he thought it was good ... . We both enjoyed the format of rhyming words to help remember what had been written as well as the activities suggested to distract from or reduce feelings of anger. All in all a helpful piece of work."—Julia Oakley

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I won't lie I was skeptical at first. But the illustrations are cute and the poem is something easy to remember and simple enough for kids to relate to and understand."—Liliyana Shadowlyn

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'An excellent book for teaching young learners about impulse control and mindfulness.'—Rogene Carter

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'This was good! Great book to help children control their tempers. Lots of good ideas and all in rhyme! Even youngish kids could understand this one.'—Catherine Hankins

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'I have read Thich Nhat Hanh's 'Anger'. What the buddhist monk explored in over 200 pages for adults, is what Amanda Greenslade does for children in her 'The Anger Volcano'. I might have read great advices offered by kind, thoughtful philosophers, but every once in a while I need a simple, little, adorable book like 'The Anger Volcano' to reinforce the lessons.

'If you are a parent or if anger brings out your terrible side, pick up this book, enjoy the rhymes, and practise the classic methods recommended by Greenslade to embrace anger.

"Try counting backwards from ten or twenty.
Try to spell 'experimentally'.
Take five slow breaths and blow out gently."'—Deepika Ramesh

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
'As a child and family therapist, I'm always looking for new resources to use in sessions, especially ones written by ones in the field. From a counseling perspective, the information was solid and to the point - many counseling picture books are too wordy or complex, but this one does a great job of boiling down to the "important stuff" so that a kid can understand it better. I loved the idea of making it color book, as many kids with difficulty with anger also have difficulty focusing and/or engaging. My only complaint was the writing, particularly the rhyming. It quite flow well and create a good rhythm, thus stunning the read aloud experience. But the strengths of this book are still enough to make this a great counseling resource.'—Lindsay Wiggins

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
'The Anger Volcano: A Book About Anger For Kids is for children aged 4–10 who have difficulty controlling their temper, with the idea that the rhymes used can be memorable for children and may cause them to stop and think before their anger 'explodes'. I think the idea behind this book is great, and the rhymes are nice and simple and very catchy. ...this can be coloured in and therefore may make a good distraction aid for children in times of anger and outbursts, but it's a shame not to see it printed in colour.'—Laura Hainsworth

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
'This book is based on a really good idea and it has been executed really well. The images are black and white and these have been left so you can colour them in - another ideal way to distract from any anger as colouring books are all the rage at the moment (excuse the pun) - I liked the counting back and other ideas to help diffuse the situations and help you to calm down - 3 stars'—Donna Maguire

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'A clever book that uses verses and illustrations. Enjoyable for children and as an example of quality illustrations. The poetic text can also stand on its own.'—JD DeHart

'Such a good idea for a book! I love rhyming books for my kiddos. ... I had to explain several words for my 4 year old to understand. Still really great!'—Nikki Newbold

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
'This is a great, rhyming book for young children about how to deal with anger. What do you do when you feel like a volcano about to explode lava that might hurt others? Learn about self-control and how to handle situations that might cause you to erupt. Minus one star (despite the great text and engaging illustrations) because the opening words describe situations where a child is not treated right or the other person is acting like a "toad." While it IS VERY important for children to know how to respond in these scenarios (and the book is quite helpful in this regard), some anger issues in children may not be due to the actions of others but may be the resuit of selfishness, spoiling, etc.. While this is beyond the scope of this book, it is something to consider when teaching children about how to handle anger. Despite this caveat, I would still purchase this engaging book for a child!'—Biblio Filer
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"The book as said in the blurb was about helping kids in controlling anger. Teaching them at early age how they can have control on their mind and anger. How by practicing techniques given in the book they can distract their mind from the current thing that is boiling their mind and cool down back to normal and that way they do less or no damage to others and themselves. By practicing those techniques they can put anger into past.

"I liked that all Pictures were kept very simple by hand drawing. They looked good even though they were not colorful, just simple black and whites. There were few techniques given in book. Narration was good in easy language that kids can understand.

"This book can help in controlling anger by putting these techniques into practice at early age and those kids who needs a little guidance in anger control. It also can serve as a good medium in bringing up a discussion with kids, they can come up with situation and doubts regarding anger and help them to open up.

"why not 5 stars-
I personally believe Anger is very complex thing there should be more than these few techniques, no doubt they were good and very basic to start from, but more situational examples and how to deal with it might have helped more.

"Overall, it was good motivational book and great attempt in helping kids with anger. I recommend this book all parents and teachers."—Yesha Patel

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"The Anger Volcano- A Book About Anger for Kids is a helpful and approachable book on anger for children. The volcano helps them visualize when their anger is building, and the book has tips for how to handle anger, as well as reminders to practice the strategies at the end. Cute, engaging illustrations are included as well. Thank you for the opportunity to read this helpful and creative book! A volcano is the perfect way for kids to visualize anger, and I love that practice of the strategies was incorporated in the book. Pretty illustrations too! Thanks again!"—Jennifer Clayton
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  Author's Blog

Amanda Greenslade discusses her latest works and anything else of interest. This includes children, children's books, ebooks, writing, editing and publishing, fantasy, science fiction, creativity, graphic design, website design, technology, the Internet, animals, science and more!

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